Citizens turn out to support Palestinian rights. Rep. Delgado missing again.


Photo by Ellen Davidson

We had no shortage of people coming out to protest Israel's racist military actions in the West Bank and Gaza. There were over 80 who gathered to protest Israeli apartheid and US complicity in these horrendous war crimes. MECR joined JVP-Hudson Valley, Vets for Peace, and Women in Black to hold this vigil and teach-in about the issues.

It is a shame that Rep. Delgado has said or done nothing so far. Part of it must be the free trip he got to Israel at the beginning of his term. Another part is the financial support he gets from the Israel Lobby. He received over $30,000 from the lobby this last year. But our progressive champion is nowhere to be seen in many areas, like universal healthcare, the Green New Deal, and efforts to trim the defense budget. And he certainly is PEP, progressive except for Palestine.

Can't the Democratic Party do better than that? Isn't it time to talk about running someone else in the next primary?