MECR showed “Al Helm: Martin Luther King in Palestine” at the New Progressive Baptist Church, 8 Hone St, Kingston. This free documentary follows an African American gospel choir as it travels the Holy Land singing in a Palestinian play about Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. Al Helm (the dream) explores cultural differences, human rights, and the power of nonviolent action. The New Progressive Baptist Church Choir performed live at the end of the film. Sponsored by: Middle East Crisis Response, Hudson Valley BDS, Jewish Voice for Peace-HV, and Veterans for Peace.
This was a great event with a fair turnout. It was a little disappointing with such an interesting movie and the participation of the New Progressive Baptist Church Choir. MECR is still committed to building bridges to other groups in the Hudson Valley. The fight for racial and economic justice is the same, whether it is in Palestine or in the streets of Kingston NY. When the majority of white people in America discover one, they will be able to understand the other.