Speakers at the rally included: Elliot Adams - National President of Veterans for Peace, Yonatan Shapira - former Israeli Air Force Blackhawk pilot, now a Combatant for Peace, Dr. Stephen Larsen - Director Stone Mountain Counseling, Professor Emeritus Suny, Ulster and biographer of Joseph Campbell, Nathen Alft - Lafond - student activist on the situation in New Orleans and Government complicity, Dr. Andor Skotnes - Professor of History at Sage Colleges and former Co-chair of Historians Against War, Jay Wenk - World War II veteran and peace activist hero, co-founder Veterans for Peace, Joan Walker - co founder, NO DU Coalition of the Hudson Valley, Sarvananda Bluestone - founder of Wisconsin Committee against Vietnam War, Dr. Michael Rice – founder of Bethlehem Neighbors for Peace.
The last picture is of our large group chanting the names of the war dead in Iraq. Hillary Clinton's Office was closed, but we were allowed to chant the names in the lobby. I will see if I can include a short mp3 file so that people can listen to a couple of minutes of this dramatic event.