Free Palestine Vigil
2:00 pm
Saturday, July 18
Ulster Plaza
1177 Ulster Avenue
Kingston 12401
We will line up in the parking lot of Barnes and Noble Bookstore
Sponsored by the Middle East Crisis Response
Report from Gaza: My trips with Code Pink
By Felice Gelman
6:00-7:30 pm
Sunday, August 23
Unitarian Universalist Congregation
of the Catskills
320 Sawkill Rd, Kingston NY 12401
Felice Gelman is member of the WESPAC Middle East Committee and part of a group of four delegations under the umbrella of CODEPINK invited to Gaza by the UN Relief and Works Agency. She will report on conditions that have been rarely talked about in the US media. She will be joined by Philip Weiss who made the trip with her.
Sponsored by the Middle East Crisis Response
Meeting on Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire
Tuesday, Oct. 27
7 p.m
Lecture Center 104
SUNY New Paltz
Richard Becker will analyze the struggle for Palestine — from the division of the Middle East by Western powers and the Zionist settler movement to the founding of Israel and the continuing conflict between Israel and the Palestinians. He will also focus on the key role of the United States as a supporter of Israel. Becker, an author and commentator on Middle East affairs, will also sign copies of his new book, "Palestine, Israel, and the US Empire."
Organized by:
Peace and Social Progress Now
sponsored on campus by the Muslim Students Association
endorsed by Middle East Crisis Response.
Norman Finkelstein: Israel and Palestine, Roots of Conflict, Prospects for Peace
Wed., November 4th
7:30 PM
Multipurpose Room, Bertlesman Student Center Bard College, Annandale, NY 12504
Dr. Norman Finkelstein is an American political scientist and author, whose primary fields of research are the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the politics of the Holocaust. His parents were Holocaust survivors, and he has also written about their experiences during World War II.
Sponsored by:
-Middle East Crisis Response
-Bard Students for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine
Anna Baltzer: Witness in Palestine
Thursday, Nov. 5 at 7:00 pm
Multipurpose Room, Bertlesman Student Center Bard College, Annandale, NY 12504
Anna Baltzer, Fulbright Scholar and volunteer with the International Women's Peace Service, will talk about her work in Palestine. Her book, "Witness in Palestine: A Jewish American Woman in the Occupied Territories" has been praised by Noam Chomsky. Joining her will be Paula Silbey, a local activist who has completed several trips to the occupied West Bank. There will be a question and answer session after the presentation.
Sponsored by:
-Middle East Crisis Response
-Bard Students for a Just Peace in Israel/Palestine
Arabic Feast to Help Break the Siege of Gaza
Sunday, November 8
1 - 4:00 pm
La Florentina Restaurant
604 Ulster Ave.
Kingston, NY 12401
A special Arabic meal will be served to raise funds for the Gaza Freedom March. This unique culinary event, prepared by excellent Palestinian chefs, will focus attention on the twelve local residents of the Hudson Valley who will be bringing supplies for children and families to Gaza in December. Tickets will be $25 if purchased beforehand or $30 at the door. Make checks payable to MECR and mail to Gaza March c/o MECR, PO Box 1362, Woodstock, NY 12498.
or call: 845 -246-8415, Ext. 3